Anti Fallos is a mayhem punk band from Tampere. Vocalist stomping over guitar pedals and mocking something in Finnish while everyone goes “Oh no!” in the audience. The guitarist, being a peaceful hippy dude forgets his roots and goes full nuts on shreds. The bassist, giving zero fucks, sits the whole set with his hood on ignoring the chaos breaking out and drummer keeping up with whatever mess he signed for. Tampere punk and skater scene goes hand in hand. Shows happening on ramps, attendies crashing thru moshpits while doing kickflips. And this is the aftermath – skaters making punk rock.
Here’s the interview with Anti-dicks:
1. Hey! Glad you’re coming over. Let’s start with the band name. Why anti-dicks? Is it because of some ideology or just making fun? How did you came up with the name?
-we are all about hating different kinds of dicks. nazi dicks, police dicks, rich capitalist dicks etc… At least for me, im much more interested about smoking dope and playing my guitar, than watching some stupid ass dicks swinging around. Fuck dicks. Och samma på svenska vi handlar alla om att hata olika typer av kukar. nazistiska kukar, poliskickar, rika kapitalistiska kukar etc… Åtminstone för mig är jag mycket mer intresserad av att röka dop och spela min gitarr, än att se några dumma kukar som svänger runt. Fan kukar. – björne/guitar
2. These are gonna be your first shows outside of Finland. You’re going on a weekender together with Mörv. How do you feel about it? Are you excited? Do you have some checkpoints you want to see, do or achieve during the trip?
-For me, it is so fucking cool to go abroad and FINALLY get my ass out of Finland! The beer we drink here is way too expensive and to be honest, this tour came out like a gift from the gods even though i believe only in satan. Touring together with MÖRV is going to be like having sex when tripping on mdma u know. Full of love! CHEMICAL LOVE! But we don’t want to play after them because the way they perform on stage is way beyond and we can’t beat them. When we are on tour, we are interested only in drugs and local idiots. Sightseeings and other stuff is for posers and for samsonite tourists. Do I look like one of them?? Maybe yes but still i’m not Canadian even though i might look like a lumberjack. WE’RE GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!! – Jave/vocals
3. The band has no social media, nor available demos. When can we wait for some recording from Anti-Fallos? Is there something unreleased already? Do you plan to do any publicity or is this project more just for fun?
-No time for social media, have more important thing’s to do, like getting high for example. Recordings we have, but they are not for you, and I definitely don’t want any fucking publicity! -vova/bass
4. What can FILTHY HANGOUT attendies expect from Anti-Fallos? Cheers! See you in April!
-speed (in all its forms), raw peasant power& good fucking times are the ingredients of antifallos!lyrics& interludes may sound like total gibberish but there should be a seed of truth somewhere in the deep(?). for fans of: Poison Idea, Steely Dan and 90s Eurodance. DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING BUT PREPARE FOR THE WORST!!! – Ere/ Drums