DEODIUM interview for HUMANICIDE 2025

  1. Hey guys! I know you for years and but can’t remember ever asking how did you come up with the band name? I guess it has nothing to do with aerodium. 

The name is formed from two Latin words: Deus (God) and Odium (Hate), which together form the combination “Hate of God” or DEODIUM. This name was inspired by the Middle Ages, when people were being scared by the church with God’s hatred and anger for disobedience or sin. Thus, we satirically took it as our name, sneering at their concept.

2. You’ve played in quite a lot of different cities and venues. Which one’s are your favourites? How does recent Deodium shows differ from those you played 10 years ago?

It is difficult to pinpoint an exact place/venue. The main thing is the bands and people participating in the event. In a cool company, concert will be good anywhere.
If we look a couple of years ago, the most memorable could be the hottest one in Brasa: “Xram Fest” (semi-private event organized by Renārs Reinis Vilers). It was well over 30°C. Most definitely also the first performance in a, then, new, big place with good sound and atmosphere- Vagonu hall during “Turbo Balle Vagonos” (organized by yours truly- Diskultur).
From more recent ones we could name the Vakaris (Vilnius, LT), Lemmy (Kaunas, LT) & Tapper (Tallinn, EE) where we toured together with Varang Nord and Yomi, and the last minute addition of Munky Pride this summer near Līvāni.

10 years ago, we were a different Deodium. The difference is in the confidence in each of us and ourselves together as a band. Thus, we enjoy live shows much more, including preparation before and after the party. By being active for so long, one can see how the listeners come and change. There are some with us from the beginning, and some who have just arrived. But the drive itself has not changed for us.

3. You’ve been playing together for 13 years and probably have had many side-projects. I remember asking you this a few years ago for PUVE #2 zine but a lot has changed since then. Could you list other music projects all of you are part of nowadays?

The currently active are Vemma and Uguns.
Then there are the paused ones: Darrva, Velnezers, Morāles Inkvizīcija, etc

4. What has kept you going for all these years in terms of playing music?

We think about this from time to time, because the question comes up more and more regularly the longer we go on.
There is some kind of desire and drive to continue and express ourselves musically with these particular people. Honestly, we can’t imagine life without rehearsals anymore. They have been a part of every Thursday for so long. And those conversations, jokes, beer, music… Like a family.