Mörv were one of the headliners from that last year’s festival edition. I have seen them so many times and they always surprise with an unresting energy. One of those bands that can truly be defined simply as hardcore, mixing heaviest subgenres into one set. You can recognise hardcore punk and death metal among other other heavy genres. Agressive sound, makes you twist your face into disgust. I wish more bands would experiment in the same manner as Mörv!
1. Hey! Thanks for chatting and for coming over for the 2nd year in a row! I only recently, while writing this interview, found out you have a new album released! And it’s recorded at analog studio. Why do you keep hiding in shadows? More people should know about Mörv! Your music should be distributed more wildly! Do you plan some physical releases?
Hi! It’s a pleasure to get the chance to come to Riga again. Last year’s Filthy Hangout was one of the best experiences we’ve had as a band; great bands and everything worked really well. For the album, yeah! Actually, it’s a double EP, with the first side “Viha vahvin” (The strongest hate) recorded at Black Floyd’s Analog studios in 2020. The other side “Kuvottavaa” (Disgusting) was recorded 2022 digitally in Näädänpesä studio here in our hometown Tampere. The hiding is not intentional, we’re doing this all in a DIY-manner and we’re maybe (definitely) not the greatest marketing people around. We try to play as hard as we can live, and hope that people find us organically. We released the new album as an LP, which we’ll have with us in Filthy Hangout as well!
2. Week before FILTHY HANGOUT Mörv & .338 will record a split album. Seems like we will have a 2 week long party together. What songs do you plan to record for this? What are those songs about? Should we do a song all together?
Yeah, we’re really looking into it, and have written five new songs for it. We’ve seen .338 multiple times, and really enjoyed the live sets. The energy and songs you folks have are fucking great, which also makes a good motivator for us to record a nasty angry side into the split. Lyrically the songs deal with death and dreams with a pinch of occult, each song having a different point of view. Instrument-wise, we’ve listened to a lot of hardcore punk, death metal and thrash metal recently, so expect something along those lines.
We’d love to do a song together, a dirty grindy hc punk song?
3. Could you please tell a little history of Mörv? How did you got together? What’s the meaning behind the name? What are band’s future plans?
Sure! We all grew up in the same small town in Finland. Some of us got together as 14-15 year olds to play punk classics such as Dead Kennedys, The Ruts, Misfits and whatnot. We had some different band names and lineups, but we settled with this lineup and have been playing together for over 10 years. All of us listen to lots of different types of music, but the aggressive and heavy music flows with us the best. Last couple of years we’ve pushed ourselves to be more active, which has been really nice. The name “Mörv” resulted in slight alteration of the Estonian word Mõrv, which means murder. We felt this was thematically a great name, as lots of our lyrics deal with subjects such as homicides and the occult. In Finland we don’t have the letter “õ”, so Mörv suited us the best. After the .338 split and the baltic minitour, we’re recording the next LP during the later part of this year and aim to play as much as we can live.
4. What do you plan for the weekend with Anti-Fallos? What should FILTHY HANGOUT attendies expect from Mörv show in Riga? Cheers and see you in April!
We recently shared a stage with Anti-Fallos in January, and their raw hc punk show is really impressive. With them, we hope to deliver great all around shows to enjoyers of aggressive, heavy and fast music. As said, at Filthy Hangout, we’re going to play some new songs which have not been recorded yet. We’re going to play an aggressive, heavy and fast show with no bullshit which will ease an itch in everybody enjoying heavy and fast music. We’re really looking forward to it! Cheers! Hope to meet lots of new people in Riga!